Wednesday 28 September 2016

Anxiety A Look at the Psychological Reasons

Anxiety A look at the psychological reasons, In young children meeting strangers can give a feeling of anxiety and this “Stranger Anxiety” can continue to affect that person into adulthood

Just being stressed is normal

Anxiety is a state of unpleasant feelings and uneasiness, a person suffering from this condition can have an unbearable feeling of apprehension.
Coupled with fear or worry this can lead the sufferer to a feeling of impending and unavoidable or maybe even an uncontrollable threatened state.
In a way it is normal to feel anxious when you are stressed, it’s when anxiety becomes excessive that you are suffering from an anxiety disorder, your heart may begin to beat in an irregular rhythm, you can feel over tired and even feel pain inside, and some but not all sufferers will also have a panic attack.

Heart attacks and panic attacks are hard to differentiate

A panic attack is a real thing not imaginary, sufferers will experience the feeling that he is about to die or pass out, heart attacks and panic attacks have a very similar confusing feelings and it needs a qualified person to differentiate between the two.
Test anxiety is often felt by students after taken exams, the fear that they might not pass can lead to a feeling of embarrassment from the teacher for “not making the grade” and this can continue as a fear for the same from friends or parents, student are also the highest group of people that take recreational drugs such as ecstasy and the like these can also make them feel anxious.

Test Anxiety

There is a debate on whether test anxiety and anxiety attacks are in the same category, but saying that, test anxiety is not just confined to students many workers in the industry have the same fears with regards to their career or profession, so, therefore, can have a similarly negative effect on the adult.
In young children, meeting strangers can give a feeling of anxiety and this “Stranger Anxiety” can continue to affect that person into adulthood, this fear in adulthood is termed “Social anxiety”

Post-traumatic stress disorder

It seems some of us are born with more anxious feeling than others and this has lead to suggest that it can be inherited through our genes, anxiety can be brought upon by a problem or circumstance, and as soon as that problem is resolved and goes away then so does the anxiety, however if the anxiety remains after the event and it can do for quite a time even years in extreme circumstances then this is called post-traumatic stress disorder.
You can help yourself if you suffer from this condition, by recognizing the reasons, it could help you overcome it’

Psychological therapy is another path to take.

A course of cognitive behavioural therapy can be very useful and indeed with the proper psychological help this can have an extremely beneficial and long lasting effect

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