Wednesday 28 September 2016

Why do we cry? 
A look at the reasons and causes. we cry for all sorts of reasons.

The tear systemCrying is the result of an emotional state, it is the outcome of quite a complex set of activities made by our body, we produce tears when we feel ourselves in an emotional state of mind, and it is thought that we are the only members of the animal kingdom that produce tears when in an emotional state although this is disputed by some scientists.

The tear system. is made up of the Tear gland Lacrimal gland, Superior lacrimal punctum, Superior lacrimal canal lacrimation leads to tears, Tear sac Lacrimal sac, Inferior lacrimal punctum, Inferior lacrimal canal and the Nasolacrimal canal

Men, according to a study of over 300 people, cry once a month, although I cry every week when I talk to my bank manager.

And women cry around five times a month and sometimes more for no reason at all during and just before their menstrual period.

Is crying a weakness?

In most society’s it is quite acceptable for women and children to cry, but is looked upon as a weakness for men to cry, although many women look upon a man who cries as a favourable quality, and sees it as a sign of compassion, (I have a tear in my eye right now)

Tears can be produced without emotion, and these incredible are made of a different type of body liquid consisting of a totally different chemical composition, so you see emotions have more power than you think.

Non-verbal communication

The reason why we cry is quite a question, it could be, as it is in body language, a way of showing feelings of happiness or sadness, we also produce tears when in pain, and this can also be emotional or physical.

In the early days of medical science, it was thought tears were made to rid the brain of bad things but this soon abounded, but the fact remains that we all feel “Better” after crying.

This could be those hormones that are produced by the body when we are stressed begin to build up, and that by crying this lowers that level of stress hormones making us feel better.

Reducing aggressiveness

Another theory as to why we cry is that by crying our vision is blurred thus reducing aggressiveness and on a defensive mood, thus showing appeasement and the need for attachment, in other words, we are showing another we are not a threat and in fact would like to be friends.

As babies have a limited means of communication crying is very important to them.
a baby cry comes in three types

  • Basic, this is just a means of letting you know he is there, especially at three o’clock in the morning.
  • Anger well this is self-explanatory and can also mean he is hungry
  • Pain, this can mean hunger as well.

  • Most people can tell which kind of baby cry it is, but parents can tell more with their own child then in others.

    The link that is formed from birth gives a better understanding of the meanings of the different types of cry from their offspring

    So there you have it, crying is a very necessary action, so the next time you shed a
    Tear you will know your body is doing its job, or it could be that you have just read another of my articles.

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